Introducing Jim, Jimmy & Da Juice
They say, laughter is the best medicine—and it spreads fast. It also leaves a positive impact wherever it goes.
That’s what inspired our team to give back to Australia. We realised we have the power to bring happiness to the people of Oz.
Being witness to rising gloom, and the array of societal changes hitting our communities; we decided, it was time to jumpstart people’s joy. How?
Steel City Beverage Company’s founding cousins (Jim & Jimmy) decided to start with what made them happy: producing beverage products that people LOVE.
But not just any beverage or brand. It had to be a juice that didn’t take itself too seriously. It couldn’t be afraid to rustle feathers in society. It had to be a little outrageous to get attention. Most importantly, it had to deliver a taste that made people happy.
Enter Jim, Jimmy & Da Juice: Four traditional fruit juice only flavours and three clever smoothies packed with taste and dash of larrikin.
Before drinking Da Juice, reading the cheeky-fun brand slogans, including ‘Stay cool with Jimmy’, ‘Da juice of champions’, and ‘Jimbo Bimbo’ is enough to make you smile. Whack on a 5-star health rating, and it’s hard not to drink and get back to HAPPY.
For families, and individuals who like to stick with what they know, da Jims’ embraced four traditional flavours: orange, pineapple, apple and apple blackcurrant.
For the wellness junkies, eco-warriors and hipster folk—oh, and the start-up company crews the pair concocted three cracking smoothie favourites (pink, green or mango & banana smoothie).
Even though Jim, Jimmy & Da Juice only just launched to market in July 2020, the bright and ballsy brand messages are quickly spreading chuckles, smiles and great taste from one juice lover to the next.
Co-founder Jim Ristevski explains that “With over 40 years of business behind us, we’ve witnessed the positive impact a product can have on people’s lives. We’ve chosen the finest ingredients from around the world to ensure our juice tastes like happiness bottled.”
It’s a bold statement to make. It’s a grand vision to have. But Jim will quickly tell you, “It matters to us. We want people to feel the love of life (amongst the grey moments). We want our customers to feel fulfilled—if our juice can ignite that…we’ve done our job.”
With manufacturing and distribution all carried out in Australia, there’s no shortage of Jim, Jimmy & Da Juice. Happiness levels will remain at an all-time high, and Steel City Beverage Co. ensures you, there’s enough happiness to go around—for everyone!

Introducing JimJimmy
For families, and individuals who like to stick with what they know, da Jims’ embraced four traditional flavours: orange, pineapple, apple and apple blackcurrant.
For the wellness junkies, eco-warriors and hipster folk—oh, and the start-up company crews the pair concocted three cracking smoothie favourites (pink, green or mango & banana smoothie).
Even though Jim, Jimmy & Da Juice only just launched to market in July 2020, the bright and ballsy brand messages are quickly spreading chuckles, smiles and great taste from one juice lover to the next.
Co-founder Jim Ristevski explains that “With over 40 years of business behind us, we’ve witnessed the positive impact a product can have on people’s lives. We’ve chosen the finest ingredients from around the world to ensure our juice tastes like happiness bottled.”
It’s a bold statement to make. It’s a grand vision to have. But Jim will quickly tell you, “It matters to us. We want people to feel the love of life (amongst the grey moments). We want our customers to feel fulfilled—if our juice can ignite that…we’ve done our job.”
With manufacturing and distribution all carried out in Australia, there’s no shortage of Jim, Jimmy & Da Juice. Happiness levels will remain at an all-time high, and Steel City Beverage Co. ensures you, there’s enough happiness to go around—for everyone!